My Weeekend in Pictures 

Thursday was the game. Go Mariners! Friday was a day of shopping, pedicure, and chilling at home….no pics available

Until Saturday when we began our adventures up North starting with a hike…Followed by a show…don’t judge me too much, it was super fun Now it’s back to reality…..and enjoying one lazy day before I’m back to work 🙂 

The Long Lazy Labor Day Weekend

I missed two days in a row.  Writing everyday can be a challenge especially if you’re not used to it but I’m back in the game.

I’ve admittedly been glued to my couch for the last day and a half with the exception of a brief trip to the store.  The downtime was good but I’m supposed to be going out to dinner tonight with friends so I’m breaking my lazy/hermit/slothlike streak to be social for a little bit.

I woke up this morning and felt instant joy when I realized I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow 😀  ochvmi9Tomorrow my plans are go to the gym, finish up chores, watch the Walking Dead.  I started watching from the beginning and I’m just as hooked as I was when I first started watching.  It’s so good!  I thought I would hate the gore but the characters are so good I’m able to overlook it and just enjoy the story lines.


That’s really all I’ve got for today, looking forward to putting together my meal plans for the week, and getting into the gym 3 days this week.  I’m finding having people at work in a similar state of mind is really, really helping me stay on track.  A few of my coworkers go to my same gym, another guy is my Fitbit competition, and many people in the office are open to exploring healthier food options.  It’s definitely shifting into a healthier environment.

I’ll have more tomorrow with my meal plan posts.  Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!!

A Night out & A Walk on the Freeway

The plans for Friday night went back and forth from Thursday right up until late Friday afternoon.  Original plan was karaoke, then it was watching movies at someone’s house, then karaoke was back on, then it was going out but no karaoke, then it was back to watching movies, then karaoke again….finally it was settled.  No karaoke, just bars then a movie, whew!

I was mostly just trying to figure out if I needed to dress up or if I could wear my sweats 🙂

We went to a couple different bars enjoying drinks and playing giant jenga.  Going out to the bars sometimes makes me feel old but we had fun and I used Uber for the first time (it’s amazing).  FullSizeRender (61).jpg

I definitely drank too much, which I hate but I did it to myself.  We had drinks after the bar and went to bed in the wee hours of the morning.  A late night meant a late start to the next day.  We were barely even alive before 10AM and our plans to go for a walk were definitely up in the air since both of us were suffering from major headaches.  We even made frozen pizza for breakfast because neither of us wanted to cook and we were hurting too bad to actually go out, lol.

Our walking plans were almost cancelled but finally in the afternoon we pulled ourselves together enough to get out of the house.  The plan was to walk part of the trail on I-90 so I could get a picture of Mt. Rainier, unfortunately it was too cloudy to see it.  I still enjoyed the walk and look forward to trying again on a less cloudy day.

We were definitely hurting but the fresh air was good and I felt a sense of accomplishment once were done.  It was much better than laying on the couch all day.  We walked through part of Mercer Island, admiring mansions along the way, then walked along the freeway.

Plus look at all those steps and active minutes!

I’m trying to up my weekly steps every week and the goal for next week is 60,000.  I’m in a workweek hustle competition (who can get the most steps in 5 days) so I think that will provide some motivation.

I don’t know how many steps I’ll get in today.  I’m sore from yesterday and still feeling tired from my night out, definitely how I know I’m getting old….it takes 2 days to recover from 1 night out, ha ha XD

I did go to the grocery store and cleaned my apartment early this morning so at least I can say I accomplished something today.  Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!