Sunburned Saturday

A bit of a scattered post but it’s Saturday and I’m a little tired but I really felt like writing tonight because I’m excited.

Today I went to the Renaissance Fair for my first photo assignment with a magazine (and I forgot my sunscreen) .  I was super nervous because I’ve never taken pictures for someone else and I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist so I wanted to do a great job.

Any type of art is subjective so you always find yourself asking if you’re going to find people who understand what you’re doing or who simply enjoy your work.  I’m thankful I’ve found some people and it’s opened up new opportunities for me. The editor loved the pictures (her glowing review has swollen my ego) and asked me to do another assignment.  Making money at it would be nice but I love the magazine, love taking pictures, and appreciate the opportunity to showcase my work.

I’m taking advantage of the opportunities coming my way, researching how to build on this momentum but I’m also being realistic.  It’s a tough field with tons of competition but as somebody who’s job searching I’m lucky to have extra time to pursue my hobby.  I’m at a place in my life where I can explore some different options so that’s what I’m doing.

Anyways, moving on to the other topics…..

Yesterday I did a strength training session and took a 3 mile walk.  Today I planned the day so my friend and I could walk to the park.  She offered to have her boyfriend drive us but I was kind of insistent on walking.  It was a beautiful day and it was just under a mile to the park so I knew just walking there and back would give me 2 miles.  As of right now my FitBit shows me at 3.9 miles and 9,482 steps so I might have to do a quick walk to get in my 10,000 steps tonight.

We spent about 5 hours wandering around the park.  We had spinach Florentine pizza for lunch and split a brownie so I did okay eating today despite the many temptations at the fair.   Some of our first choices were stuffed baked potato, french fries, tacos, and sausages.  Fair food is definitely not known for healthy options but I think we made one of the better choices.

IMG_7356The other temptation besides the food is the craft booths, jewelry, soaps, lotions, clothes, woodworking, and a huge variety of other homemade goods.  I ended up finding a Mother’s Day gift plus some fun goodies for my sister-in-law, unfortunately I can’t post pics of everything because they both read my blog.

I can post what I bought for myself and the bag where their stuff is hiding 😉 .  I found some organic white ginger and amber soap and body butter.  It’s amazing!  I will say the bargain of the day was $12 for a giant jar of huckleberry honey.

It will take me forever to use that much honey but it’s so much cheaper than buying at the store and HUCKLEBERRY!

If you’ve never had huckleberries they are delicious and as the state fruit of Idaho you can find it in everything around here from wine to licorice.

I’m exhausted, sunburned, and I think a little dehydrated so I’m going to find some aloe vera, a giant glass of water, and relax.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


I love owls! I wanted to take this little guy home with me.


The Maypole




  1. Pingback: Farmers Market | Transitions in my Life
  2. miusho · May 2, 2015

    I think it would be a great idea to be able to earn money out of your hobby.. You don’t have to do it full time but it can always bring in some money so you won’t have to watch what you’re doing all the time. 😮
    And that honey sounds delicious….. But how huge is “huge” for it to be cheap at $12?


    • Daisy9979 · May 3, 2015

      It’s a 2lb jar. The last time I bought honey at the store it was almost $5 for one of those little honey bears so this seemed like a good deal especially for local specialized honey.

      Liked by 1 person

      • miusho · May 3, 2015

        Yeah, I guess thats a better deal. Might as well get the big jar, I would do the same. 😀


      • Daisy9979 · May 3, 2015

        Maybe it’ll inspire me to find some recipes with honey

        Liked by 1 person

      • miusho · May 3, 2015

        Mmmm… Honey oatmeal.. Apples with honey.. Honey glazed chicken…

        Liked by 1 person

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