It’s FRIDAY!!!!

I’ve barely even started my day and I’m already ready for it to be over.  Hooray for the weekend!

I live near a Walmart, a Target and a mall….the weekend before Christmas I can only imagine what the traffic is going to be like around my place so I think it’s a hibernation kind of weekend.  Planning to do some serious house cleaning and a closet clean out.  Sometimes a quiet weekend is the best kind of weekend but I wouldn’t mind a bit of excitement or adventure thrown into my weekend so I might throw in a Sunday drive to get some photos 😀  I’ll have to think about that later because now it’s off to work!

Any exciting weekend plans?


  1. Cheyanne · December 18, 2015

    I have to go to the laundry mat. 😦 But that’s a weekly ordeal. I had planned to stay inside all weekend because traffic has been ridiculous and it’s supposed to rain on top of it all. But I also really want to go out looking at Christmas lights. So I just don’t know!

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    • Daisy9979 · December 19, 2015

      My plans to hibernate were derailed when a friend at work asked about going to a movie today…guess I will have to put off the hibernation until tomorrow 😉 Today is one of the few days it’s not supposed to rain so it’ll actually be a good day to get out but we’ll see how I feel after driving to the theater in Seattle traffic..
      Time is running out to look at Christmas lights so that would be a fun little weekend outing.


  2. Tony Burgess · December 18, 2015

    Decking the halls finally and going to that little sci fi movie everyone is raving about.

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    • Daisy9979 · December 18, 2015

      I want to see that but think I’m going to let the crowds die down a bit more, decided to skip being a hermit and go see Mockingjay Part 2

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