Excuses for being a Hermit

That image is so me, except my hair is more red than blonde.

I’m doing everything in my power to fight my lazy/hermit tendencies.  Tuesday is trivia night but so often I try to talk myself out of going even though I know it’s fun once I’m there and if I get too tired I can always leave early.  It happens and no one is offended.

I came home, kicked off my shoes, and began to weigh the pros and cons of going out tonight.  I’m now going through my excuses for staying home tonight…..

One of my excuses is “I’m going to be busy all weekend” I use this one often especially if I’m going out of town because I have to plan and pack for the one night I will be gone plus it’s not like I’m going to have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to get ready…..

Excuse number two, “I’m tired”  I’m always tired.  Next.

Excuse number three, “There’s always traffic getting out there”  I live in the city now, there’s almost always traffic to get anywhere, especially after 5:00 and it’s really not that bad.  Fifteen minutes of annoying people all trying to merge or unmerge from a popular exit then the rest is pretty much smooth sailing.

Did I already mention how tired I am?

I actually think those are all my excuses and I think they’re pretty weak so I’m throwing my shoes back on.  This is the one night of the week I actually go out and it’s good for me.  This is part of the reason I moved to a bigger city so I’d have more chances to meet people and do things plus I always have fun once I get there.

I’ve decided I’m half introvert/half social butterfly because I really do want both.  I want to do fun things and be around people but I also want my alone time.  Right now it’s just finding the balance between them so I can be happy.

I’m going to put on my smarty pants and my thinking cap to go help my team claim the number one spot this week!



  1. Juni Desireé · January 27, 2016

    Hehe, I can so relate to that picture!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. miusho · January 27, 2016

    What works best for me is to not go straight home after work.. Once I’m home the hermit activates…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Daisy9979 · January 27, 2016

      The problem is trivia doesn’t start for a few hours after I get off work so I’m home for almost 2 hours before I have to leave, which is why it’s sometimes tricky to get myself back out the door. I usually try to not even take off my shoes, that’s the first step in hermit mode activating 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • miusho · January 27, 2016

        Darn. That’s so frustratingly long.. I’d go all “screw it” when that happens. Once I’m home it’s insta activate hermit mode! 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      • Daisy9979 · January 28, 2016

        It’s a challenge to get back out of the house. I try to not even take my shoes off

        Liked by 1 person

      • miusho · January 29, 2016

        A huge challenge, yes. 😦


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