Walking, Walking, Walking

This morning I went to the gym for some random strength training.  I didn’t really have much focus, just did the exercises I like to do mostly working shoulders, arms, and legs.  I’ve incorporated weighted squats into my workouts and feel like I’m getting better at those so I might increase the weight next week.

I increased the weight on some of my other exercises, up to 50lbs on lateral pulldown and 40lbs on cable pulley bicep curl (hopefully I’m using the right terms…still learning).  I also did some stationary lunges today and felt significantly more stable with those than I did in the beginning.  Those were one of the first exercises I did with the trainer and I remember feeling wobbly plus I couldn’t get my knee down very far but today it felt good, still challenging but less wobbly.

I walked half a mile on the treadmill but couldn’t stop staring outside.  I finally decided it didn’t make sense to walk inside on such a beautiful day.  I needed to pick up something at the hardware store on the way home but decided to instead drop off the car at home and walk down to the store.  It was a mile round trip and only took 20 minutes including the time to actually purchase what I needed.

I used to walk everywhere, partially because I didn’t have a car but also because my mindset was “It’s not that far.  I’ll just walk”  One of my goals is to get back to that mindset where if it’s one mile or under I just walk whenever possible.  I live about 4 blocks from a grocery store but there’s been so many times I would drive even for just one little thing so I’m trying to move away from that as part of my active lifestyle.

I mentioned it the other day but I paid money for this FitBit so I need to put it to use.  I need to let it help me achieve my goals.  It’s actually a great tool….if I actually use it.

Yesterday I walked 5.06 miles or 12,308 steps so I met both of my goals for the day.  I did end up going on a second walk last night after dinner, which was really nice and helped me meet my step goal.  I actually slept better last night than I have in several nights so maybe the extra activity is helping, plus all the outside activity is really improving my mood.

I truly enjoy the outside walking over the treadmill so as long as the weather is nice I’ll be moving my cardio to the great outdoors.


  1. deianarnaudov · April 22, 2015

    The best time to walk or run, is early in the morning, on an empty stomach. That will speed up your metabolism, and will cause the body to burn more stored fat. Eating a breakfast and then walking or running, will cause the body to use calories from the breakfast, instead of the stored body fat.

    Liked by 1 person

    • daisy9979 · April 22, 2015

      Thanks for the tip. I tend to get nauseous if I don’t eat anything in the mornings, so I usually like to eat a bit of something, like a banana, in the morning before I go to the gym or go for a walk then eat a real breakfast when I get home.


      • deianarnaudov · April 22, 2015

        Yes, you can eat any fruit, because it gives you instant energy, and requires the leas of energy to be digested from the body. But other foods, will make your body more sluggish.

        Liked by 1 person

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