Working Wardrobe Wednesday-The Weekend Hat Edition

I planned to have a Working Wardrobe post up  on Wednesday but it didn’t happen.

Style is constantly evolving and I am far from a fashionista but I do enjoy feeling confident in what I’m wearing.  For me, a great outfit can drastically improve my outlook for the day, which in turn improves my mood.  A positive mood definitely helps one to have a more positive day.

The hat in the featured image was something I wanted but I watched and waited for it to go on sale before purchasing (something I never would’ve done in the past).  Sometimes waiting is good because it eliminates the impulse buy.  I’ve waited and gone back to try something on only to find out I didn’t completely love it so if I go back and still want it I know it’s a piece I’ll love.

I’ve worn the hat a few times this week already, it’s love ❤

It’s something I might have liked a few years ago but wouldn’t have been confident enough to wear because I would worry it was too different 😕  Now I realize different isn’t always bad, wear what makes you happy 😀

FullSizeRender (56).jpgI bought this striped shirt a few months ago but it’s been sitting in the back of the closet.  I liked it when I bought it but I think it was so different from what I usually wear something in my mind thought it wouldn’t work.  I’ll have to get a picture without the sweater but it’s just a striped shirt and it works great with skinny jeans and boots.




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Another outfit with my beloved vest.  Some pieces you bring into your wardrobe and they are instantly worth the investment because you wear them everyday.  I pretty much live in this vest.  Getting ready to head to work that morning I felt very put together with the scarf and striped sweater.





The next outfit I might have to try another pic one day this week.  It’s basically a black lace t-shirt.  I remember trying it on when I was shopping with a friend and she hated it but I kind of loved it.  At the time I put it back then went back and bought it, should’ve just bought it when I first saw it but at the time I was a bit more influenced by what other people thought.

FullSizeRender (53)The lace makes it a little bit sexy but the collar is high enough I can wear it to work under a cardigan.  This week I paired it with a black cardigan and received several compliments from coworkers about the outfit.  It’s a good shirt for both going out or for work, which are the kind of pieces I want in my wardrobe.

I’m planning to go through my closet again this weekend because I think it’s time to let some things go.  As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, styles change so it’s good to go through the closet every so often and let go of some of the pieces from the past.

The last pic is just a fun one but it shows my favorite scarf.  After seeing “A Christmas Story” I saw this car outside a hotel, posed for a pic then sent it to my brother telling him it was my Christmas present from mom.FullSizeRender (55).jpg

He may deny it but I had him for a minute, lol.

I’m breaking out of my planned hermit mode this weekend and heading to a movie with a friend in Seattle.  We’re skipping the big movie of the weekend (you guys know the one) and most likely sitting in an empty theater to enjoy a movie that came out ages ago, Mockingjay, Part II.  I’m not looking forward to driving to Seattle the weekend before Christmas but I realize I need to continue to push myself out of my driving comfort zone and continue to learn to drive in the city.

Whatever your plans, whether it’s hibernating, wrapping presents, looking at lights, braving the crowds at the mall, binging on Netflix, or joining the hoards watching Hans and Chewy….hope y’all enjoy the weekend!





  1. briana1010 · December 21, 2015

    I LOVE the hat!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Layla · December 20, 2015

    Loving that lace shirt!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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